What is vehicle leasing?

With vehicle leasing, you have the option of using the desired vehicle while paying only the monthly leasing instalment. The title remains with the financier. At the end of the term, you have two options: You can return the vehicle or purchase it for the previously agreed residual value.

Why leasing for corporate customers?

Many companies are faced with the question of whether to buy or finance their vehicles. Particularly with larger fleets, buying can be a considerable burden on liquidity. This is where our leasing model offers the perfect solution:

Flexibility and planning:

With our forecast model, you can plan the term and mileage of your vehicle in advance. This makes vehicle use precisely calculable and you know from the start how much your vehicle is worth.

Preservation of liquidity:

Instead of spending large sums on buying vehicles, keep your capital for other important investments or unforeseen expenses.

Tax benefits:

Leasing instalments can usually be deducted as business expenses, which reduces your tax burden. In contrast, purchased vehicles are often not immediately tax-deductible.

The perfect leasing deal

Our goal is to offer you the best leasing deal on the market. To do this, we use our comprehensive comparison to find the most favourable conditions for you. In doing so, we take your individual requirements and wishes into account and create a customised offer that fits your company.

Transparency and fairness

We want you to feel that you are in good hands with us. That is why we act transparently and fairly:

  1. Damage settlement: When the leasing contract expires, we only charge for the actual damage incurred that goes beyond normal wear and tear. We understand that in the course of use, some minor dents and scratches cannot always be avoided. Therefore, we treat these with great liberality and only charge reasonable fees for larger damages.
  2. More kilometres: Here, too, we are flexible. If you have driven more kilometres than agreed in the contract, we only charge you a fair surcharge per additional kilometre. Our focus is on a long-term and trusting cooperation with our customers.

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